AFL-CIO vs 3 Bills Take Away Rights of Federal Employees
Republicans think no one’s paying attention

Undermining Federal Employees 
March 24, 2017  
By AFLCIO President Richard Trumka

Washington DC - All attention in Congress right now is focused on the awful health care plan put forward by extremist Republicans. But Congress also is moving fast to pass three bills that would take away the rights of working people in the federal government to have a collective voice on the job.

These bills—H.R. 1259, H.R. 1364 and H.R. 1461—are a blatant attempt to undermine the ability of federal employees to do their jobs effectively to best serve veterans and other taxpayers.

H.R.1259 - VA Accountability First Act of 2017
H.R.1364 - Official Time Reform Act of 2017
H.R.1461 - VET Protection Act of 2017

Anti-union Republicans pushing these bills think they can get away with this because they think no one’s paying attention. But we are and we need to speak out now!

Here’s what these bills would do:

  • Remove protections and gut the pensions of workers who are wrongfully fired, harassed or intimidated by managers;
  • Make it more difficult for employees to work with managers to address issues on the job;
  • Gives Veterans Affairs officials the power to take back compensation employees have earned;
  • Lets management at the VA have the upper hand by radically shortening the time unfairly fired VA workers have to prepare their cases; and
  • Limits the time unfairly fired workers can appeal to just seven days.

Federal employees need to be able to do their jobs so our kids can get a good education, our parks can stay open, our veterans can get the care they need and our communities can be safe.
a campaign for Congress to 
support civil service

National Federation of 
Federal Employees
Chicago, IL

We Work for America 